Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 56, Max Plyo

      You know how everybody goes through those stints where nothing seems to be going their way? I’m having one of those stretches… court is always awful no matter what it’s involving but when it is because of custody issues it turns the thing into a horrific experience… my baby’s life, happiness and future is on the line. Just walking into the courthouse is enough to make me ill. Two things happen when I get anxious: First I have a nervous stomach, whenever something extremely stressful approaches my bowels kick into overdrive… I’m not kidding I lose 5 lbs. every time we have a court date (quickly gained back by emotional eating.) Second and slightly stranger is my teeth ache, down to the roots my whole mouth is consumed by the odd feeling and I’m sure I look like a freak constantly opening and stretching my mouth while waiting on the bench. Lucky me, I’ll have to go back in less than 30 days to repeat the whole process. Whoo.
A couple days ago my mode of transportation decided to go on strike; I guess it wants to get washed more often or some such thing. I have a 1994 Ford Taurus that we usually refer to not so lovingly as, “The Boat.” The boat was the only thing I could afford at the time when I was desperately needing a car. Well, I was on my way back from getting gas on my lunch break when I came to a stop sign. Thankfully I was doing a California rolling stop and began turning right when I pressed down on the gas pedal and it went completely to the floor. Throttle cable snapped. The car was still running fine and I was able to coast to the side of the road where I could put it in park and kind of stare down into the gauges on the dashboard wondering what else could possible go wrong but wasn’t brave enough to say it out loud in case something else did indeed go wrong.
One of my dear co-worker friends eyeballed me as I came up the stairs after my little lunch time adventure. We’ve worked together for enough years that she can see past the fake grimace/smile I have plastered for everyone’s benefit and shortly after comes into my office holding a box of half empty chocolates that she’s been hoarding and slowly eating for a couple weeks (she possess some strange thing called self-control.)  At once I love her and hate her all at the same time. I love that she knows me so well as to bring me a chocolate offering to soothe my troubles without trying to pat my back in some awkward, everything will be okay, gesture and yet I hate her because I know I’m going to eat the rest of that freaking box before the afternoon is over.
My fiancĂ© thinks that I’m being tested; by God or Karma I’m not sure which but whoever’s doing it has a really twisted sense of humor.Honestly, I feel like such a slacker and in truth I am… I’ve let personal issues interfere with my working out and I really shouldn’t have. I’ve been looking at it like these issues have drained me of all energy and will power needed to exercise but in reality it’s the exercising that gives me energy, releases endorphins to help me not feel so depressed over my situation. Today I got up out of bed when I was supposed to, strapped on my heart rate monitor and did my workout… only cut short slightly by the Little Monster’s wake up wail of, “Mommmmmaaaaa!!!”  Tomorrow will be better… if I can just have a slightly better day than the last then I’ll be moving in the right direction.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day 55, Core Cardio and Balance

               Today’s word: FRUSTRATION! I was so proud of myself yesterday for crawling out of bed and popping in the most hated DVD of the whole program: Max Cardio and Cardio Abs. So freaking proud for pulling through and not wussing out to get an extra hour of sleep in my nice comfortable bed. Yet when I got up this morning to look to see what workout was next that pride turned into an internal wailing scream. What do you mean I did the wrong workout yesterday?? I did Cardio when I didn’t have to? Did someone swap out my schedule, this is really not funny! I know that the cardio helps me but really did I have to do that? I’m completely disgusted with myself for being a sleep zombie and for not waking up enough to actually look before I took a big ol' leap. So this morning I did the workout I was supposed to do yesterday: Core Cardio and Balance. There was a little more burning hatred than normal for our blonde, sweat proof Ariel but she’s a tough chick, I’m sure she can handle a few glares and sneers aimed at her.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 54, Max Interval Circuit

          Well, as it turns out taking a couple days break during Insanity did not kill me. It tried, but I'm not quite ready to quit yet, not when I'm so close to the end. Today it was almost like I hadn't taken a break... almost... probably could have done without that Cherry Coke the afternoon before though. I needed a pick me up after a lunch time nap but it was a major drag me down this morning. Almost as bad as eating a couple doughnuts in terms of sugar content; temporarily satisfying but in the end completely not worth it. I burned quite a few calories during the whole ordeal but not quite enough to break that 400 mark I've set for myself. Tomorrow's another day, another workout... and this one will be soda free.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Okay so...

           Okay I swear I haven't given up on Insanity, not when I'm so close to finishing. But I have been a slacker that last few days... having a migraine tends to do that to a person. Today I finally feel whole again so starting back up tomorrow I'm going to back to kicking butt at Insanity... or having it kick my butt, either way you look at it that's accurate.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 53, Max Recovery

I love recovery. A blissful midweek break to an otherwise rigorous and sweaty regimen.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 52, Max Cardio and Cardio Abs

               Did you know it's extremely difficult to type while holding a crying two year old in your lap? Seriously. Almost as hard holding a bouncing and singing two year old in your lap once you figure out you can have youtube videos playing on one side of the screen while typing on the other. A little more pleasant on the ear drums though... thank you Gigglebellies. 
              Poor little monster had his two year check up today and got his booster shots on top of that. It's not been the best of days for him but he seemed to perk up when mommy got to come home with him early. Even more so when we stopped by the store on the way home to get ice cream sandwiches. Yeah I know, but show me one mother that doesn't feel sorry for their kid after getting shots.
            Workout this morning was awful... I think I've mentioned before my dislike of cardio... but with talking to my fiance this afternoon I realized something: cardio isn't near as dreadful as it used to be. When I started Insanity I had a horrible time even trying to get off the couch after I collapsed at the end of the workout. Now even after Max Cardio I'm wiped out but in a good way. I don't feel sick and I can immediately go upstairs to get in the shower, it's awesome. Who knows, maybe one day I'll find myself running a marathon, ha.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 51, Max Interval Plyo

               It’s day 51 of the Insanity program and I still have yet to learn how to “Land Softly.” How the heck do you land softly? Unless you’re a built like a fitness robot or a waif I’m afraid landing softly is one of those fitness myths they tell you in order to keep you feeling inferior. Hard to believe I’ve almost completed the program without knowing this most coveted secret but I have. My feet aren’t happy with me some days but I’m managing to push my way through.
                The little monster woke up early again this morning. We’re getting pretty good at this system now: bean bag chair, blanket, sippey cup, DVD player. He stays mostly content with the animation but this morning I had 20 minutes left of the workout when he decided he was hungry. That cut the exercising to an abrupt end. Almost a year ago he started learning sign language so he could communicate before he started talking so now he combines the two and makes the sign for eat while patting me with the other hand and saying, “Momma, eat… momma, eat… momma, eat!” Not something you can ignore.

Despite not finishing the full workoutI burned 300+ calories and tonight after we get home I’ll be popping in Cardio Abs to make up the difference. Why not complete the Plyo DVD? Because I don’t want to have to jump into the middle of something without warming up and you can bet I won’t be completely redoing the DVD tonight. Cardio Abs makes more sense, it’s about the same time and has its own warm up included.